Climate Strike


Big crowd in front of Philadelphia City Hall to endorse action on the climate. We're all facing a stage that's pointed to the North.

Another view
Same crowd from another angle.

And another
And yet another.
So why are all of these young people so upset? Well,

[T]he Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere says human-induced climate change is harming the health and function of the ocean and cryosphere in a number of ways. Glaciers and ice sheets are shrinking. Global sea level is rising at more than twice the rate of the 20th century. The ocean is warming, becoming more acidic and losing oxygen. Fifty percent of coastal wetlands have been lost over the last 100 years. Species are shifting, biodiversity is declining and ecosystems are losing their integrity and function. The strain on the ocean and cryosphere has direct and indirect effects, threatening human health, food security, fresh water and livelihoods.

marching outlines the science of climate change for us:
1. It’s warming. 2. It’s us. 3. We’re sure. 4. It’s bad. 5. We can fix it.
The reason for the name "350" is that the parts per million of carbon in the atmosphere before 1750 (When people began burning a lot of coal to fuel the Industrial Revolution) was about 280. We can safely go up to 350ppm. We're currently at about 408ppm.

A speaker
One of the speakers. And my music video.

Since 1961, inequality between countries has decreased as the ideas and techniques and values of the Western Industrial Revolution have penetrated into  the rest of the world. Climate change is powerfully pressing much of the world back into inequality. A real problem with climate change is that the countries that are making it happen are not bearing the costs anywhere near as much as are the Global South.

Greta Thunberg makes a passionate case for taking action immediately. She was behind today's demonstration. She was in New York today. Climate Strike home page. Thunberg's statement “I will not beg the world leaders to take care for our future I will instead let them know that the change is coming whether they like it or not.”

more marching
An investment publication acknowledges that the current American presidential administration is creating headwinds for renewable energy, but overall, it sees a positive future for "solar, wind, natural gas, nuclear, and hydroelectric power." It also sees a future for sources such as "biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric, and tidal power." Renewable energy prce-to-earnings ratios have been doing reasonable well over the past five years. A rewables index of 40 renewables companies compares reasonable well with the S&P 500. Overall, renewables appear to be  pretty good investment.

After the march.

Good march with lots of energy! One of the big questions of changing over to a renewables-based economy is whether to concentrate on continued technoogical innovation or deploying what we already know works right now. I'm personally of the "deploy now" crowd wheras a blogger for Vox advocates a balanced approach between both innovation and deployment.