Pro-Palestinian March

15 Oct 2023

waving flags
Demonstration starting from Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia.

It appears there are new alliances forming in the wake of the Hamas assault on Israel. Russia, which has been receiving drones from Iran and other military supplies from North Korea, has enthusiastically praised Hamas. Russia also appears perfectly happy to look the other way as citizens of the Northern Caucasus (Between the Black and Caspian Seas) engage in pogroms against Jewish people. " Amir Weitmann, powerful member of Netanyahu’s Likud party in Israel," made it clear that after Israel had been holding Ukraine at arms length and once Israel has dealt with Hamas, they will give Ukraine their full cooperation.


Palestinians in Gaza who die or are wounded now are "collateral damage," who suffer as a result of what Israel does while intending to hurt members of Hamas, as opposed to what Hamas did on October 7th, which was to commit murder, atrocities against the civilian people of Israel. Problem is, cutting off Gaza's internet means First Responders were unable to locate casualties and well, when you strike at "600 targets" in Gaza, where population density is about 15k people per square mile, it's pretty hard to avoid massive collateral damage.


Many people feel that World War III began in 2014 with the invasion and occupaation of Crimea and Russian suppor of the separatist movement in the Donbas of Ukraine. Russia continued the war by supporting Donald Trump for President in 2016. Billionaire financier George Soros felt that Russia's all-out invasion of Ukraine in 2022 marked a point where

"Repressive regimes are now in the ascendant and open societies are under siege," Soros said. "Today China and Russia present the greatest threat to open society."

Is the Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump, a wannabe fascist dictator? Yes, even if the NY Times is too cowardly to come right out and say so. He feels the Federalist Society is too liberal and provides insufficiently hard-line lawyers.


How are things going in Ukraine? Ukrainians recogniz that the world's attention has shifted to Israel and that the front has changed by only a few hundred square miles, leaving 17% of Ukraine still in Russian hands. Why are Russians able to hold out? They're willling to take enormous losses for little territorial gain and they still have plenty to warm bodies they can throw at Ukrainian lines in "meat waves."

Crowd chants and singing


The House of Representatives finally picked a new Speaker. The first bill under te new Speaker concerns a small portion of the $106 billlion that President Biden has requested. They want to just pay for Israel and leave the rest for later, including of course, Ukraine. Another problem is that they want to pay for the transfer to Israel by taking money out of tax enforcement, a move that the CBO says would cost the US far more than it would save.


A problem with the Speaker is also his finances. When enemy agents look for opportunities for applying kompromat, they look to the finances of the people who might be useful to them. Speaker Mike Johnson's financial disclosures show that his financial status is "extraordinarily precarious." It's likely he lives "hand to mouth," in other words, from paycheck to paycheck, and has no savings to speak of.



